The color green is a metaphor for two things, environmental senstivity and money. Which describes Wal-Mart? Are they about true environmentalism? Or is their environmentalism a PR stunt? Or is it another excuse for squeezing the life blood out of their suppliers so they can make more money?
Check out
this story from the
The Guardian in Great Britain. I describes a speech delivered by Wal-Mart's CEO, Lee Scott, outlining the company's Sustainability 360 campaign designed to make Wal-Mart, and, importantly, its suppliers, more environmentally senstive. Is this campaign real? Or is it just an exercize in issues management?
I'd like to make this post an exercize in message development and delivery. Please read this article and comment.
But here's the twist. When you go to the comments section to post your comment, take the opposite view of the last post. If that post supports the company's sincerity and effectiveness in protecting the environment, take the view of a cynical skeptic...and vice versa.
Have fun with it. Back up your position with whatever facts you can assemble, either from the article itself or other sources, such as the book we are reading. But feel free to go over the top. This is the blogosphere. Provocative is good. And short is good, took. You only really need to make one solid point.
And thank you, Bradley, for bringing the article to my attention.