GWU Issues Management

A blog established for the George Washington University School of Political Management's Issues Management course.

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Location: Washington, D.C., United States

A middle aged white guy, who likes to think, talk and, too infrequently, write about politics, religion and gadgets.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

More Walmart

Here's a link to a site called "Americans for Wal-Mart," a pro-Wal-Mart site. Therein it says:

"In 2004, Wal-Mart bought $18 billion worth of goods from China. By contrast, the company spent $150 billion with 61,000 suppliers here in the United States, supporting some 3 million supplier jobs in this country."

...Food for thought, inexpensive food...

- Posted by Pat Cleary

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Update on Target

Looks like they are learning the error of their ways. Check it out.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Target to Bloggers: DROP DEAD!

Click here to read a short article describing Target's policy toward blogs and bloggers. If Target asked you for your opinion on this approach and inviting your recommendations going forward, what would you say? Support your advice with some factual citations on the significance of the blogosphere for companies.

For Next Week....

Note that I didn't put "Wal-Mart" in the title of this post, else it'll come up in a thousand Google news feeds and searches in Bentonville and trigger a whole bunch of questions.

No matter, that's the topic. Here's a very interesting article from the Washington Post a few years back by the thoughtful and respected Sebastian Mallaby about Wal-Mart. Here's a link to their website, "Wal-Mart Facts," so you can get a better feel for their side of the story.

And of course, so Bill doesn't have to do it, here's a link to "Wake Up Wal-Mart ," the union group that's been waging war on the world's largest retailer, including working with plaintiff's law firms to file all the many class action suits that you read about.

Hope this all triggers some more thought on our favorite topic of the week. See you next Thursday.

- Posted by Pat Cleary